About Padureanu.com


My name is Dor Bujor Pădureanu and in my daily life you find me at Magister Software, Bucharest – Romania.

It is the company that I founded 18 years ago and where I have the pleasure of creating, together with a formidable team, a top Romanian software product, called SmartCash RMS.

This may not tell you much, but if you have a receipt in your pocket, received from a store in Romania, it is very likely that you will find our name on it’s back.

Therefore, I am a Romanian entrepreneur, from the category of those who polish daily, silent, like jewelers, the software product they put on the market, stoically surpassing the challenges that always come their way.

But this blog is not about this tumultuous side of my life.

This blog is primarily about family, about the precious time spent with loved ones, about the experiences we have lived together.

And, as a good part of these experiences were in the trips I made, along with my “ladies”: Corina, my wife, Diana and Julia, my extraordinary daughters, I told myself that it is worth trying to present them as honestly as possible, in this Travel Journal.

Together with my wife, Corina at Tarifa on Valdevaqeros Beach – August 2017

In a terrible summer, together with my wife Corina, we were in Spain, at Tarifa, on Valdevaqeros beach, one of the most stormy beaches in Europe, the windsurfer’s paradise.

The wind was blowing over 60 km/h. The shattered sand sticks all over your skin and without help, you could barely stand.

However, leaning each other, we managed to make this picture.

This photo I think represents exactly the way we live our life and at the same time, the one we go on trips.

We do not like seated trips, without memory, organized by the millimeter, of which you learn nothing.

Wherever we go, we try to see as many places as possible, to meet as many people as we can, to have as many experiences as possible and to live as much as possible from the local atmosphere.

And from each trip we come back with recharged batteries, with lots of new ideas, which we can hardly wait to put into practice.

When it comes to travel, Corina is always the brain (as well as in the family, of course) ensuring the thorough documentation of each trip.

I deal, as you guessed, with the logistics, reservations and other technical details of the trip.

The main source of information before any trip is of course the internet, the specialized blogs being the first stop.

However, I noticed that some, mainly for commercial reasons, present almost everything in a superlative way, which, I say, is not very beneficial for readers.

What we propose with this blog is to try to share our travel experiences from a slightly different perspective, not necessarily concerned with the price factor, in favor of the comfort and value of the experiences.

Saying what we liked and, without going around, what we didn’t like, where we walked.

Only this way, I think, our readers will find something useful to help them document their own journeys.

Thank you so much for stopping by our site and we invite you to follow our Travel Journal.